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The Un-united Grass of Nadabi

Photo Credit: UCJUI

They say the grass suffers the most when two Elephants fight 

This must be true, for great, is our current plight.

The price of good earth is steadily rising. 

Meanwhile, the great trees are increasing in sizing.

The farmer cares nought for our sorrow 

He demands his full harvest. If we don't have, we should borrow. 

The Sun gets hotter, and the rains fall shorter 

We tried to rebel, but our voices are divided 

For while some, despite all, stand tall,

Others continue to wilt and fall

United, we stand, but far down, have we dived

Even as the time of harvest is in the 7th ember

In desperation, some of us borrow nutrients from the trees

For a little sustenance by which we could pay our fees

But the great trees are not known for their benevolence 

And worse, the time may be when they demand their rent.

The Farmer exerts a heavy toll

And mere survival is now our solo goal

Can the heavens not see that we're suffering?

Can the farmer not accept our humble first grain offering?

Our leaders, near helpless, for their hands are tied

Hopefully, the grass is greener on the other side

Written by: The People's Mouthpiece


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