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Meet The Aspiring Financial Secretary, An Employed Financial Analyst.

Oladiran Ibukunoluwa, popularly called IBK among Ibadan people, is a DVM III student.

She was born on the 3rd of June.

She is vying for the position of the Financial Secretary of AVMS, UI.

Born and bred in Lagos, Nigeria, she likes to think of herself as a versatile student. This is because she feels that no aspect of her life has been missing out on growth because of her studies. She perfectly balances being a social butterfly with maintaining good grades.

She also has a job as a financial analyst in a food tech company in Ibadan.

Ibukunoluwa’s greatest inspiration is her mother, who is the strongest woman she knows. The thought of the beautiful future, she is building for herself also keeps her going when things get tough.

She wants to be remembered for her transparency and efficient fund-raising abilities after her tenure is over.

Her personal motto is to ' Just be yourself, there is no one better.'

Written by Josephine Olubode.


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